Planets are spinning in perfect proximity (no small task), your body makes millions of new red blood cells every minute, a forest  thrives for millions of years – all this without human intervention.  In fact, we tend to get in the way of this existential intelligence rather than enhancing it!  We certainly are NOT the source of it.  It is the source of us.  And yet we seem to live in a small psychological space that bears no connection to existential reality.  The grandeur of the universe surrounds us and we are worried about a rude comment someone made?  One of the most powerful ways to awaken ourselves is to begin wondering about the vastness, grander, and benevolence of the universe and our little part in it.  This is both the ancient path of yoga and the field of quantum biology.   Each is approaching the mystery of our source from different perspectives and coming to similar understandings.  All form/life rises from unseen energy.  There is an organizing intelligence within that Source Energy that is apparent from the moment subatomic particles bond and begin building themselves into complex forms – like me and you!

Everything in the cosmos has a certain geometry to it.  Layered patterns that are common across the universe.  The same spiral pattern of DNA is apparent in the way plants grow and in the way galaxies are formed.  Plato spoke of the Golden Key that unified all the mysteries of the universe; he was referring to the sacred geometry present in the building blocks of all structure.  Einstein proposed the unified field theory understanding that all layers of existence must by “talking” to each other.  There is clear deep, consistent and instantaneous communication happening between layers of life that create the homeostasis in our bodies, the balance of ecosystems, and the organized structure of our solar system.  How does that communication happen?  This is a question that both scientists and mystics have asked for eons.  We are beginning to understand that DNA – the common building block of all life – may be the “common language” of the unified field.  DNA is everywhere within and around us.  We are learning that DNA molecules emit and receive photons and electromagnetic energy as a means of sharing information.  In other words it is through light and unseen energy that DNA talks to DNA.  This discovery has given rise to a new field of study called Quantum Information Biology; another scientific term for the what the ancients have always known to be.

There are many mind blowing examples of this invisible communication.  The Book “Change of Heart” by Sylvia Claire, documents stories of heart transplant recipients experiencing the life force intelligence of their donors.  The most dramatic story is of an eight year old girl who receives the heart of a ten year old girl who has been murdered.  Once the young girl recovers from the surgery and is brought home, she begins to have recurring nightmares about being attacked.  Her mother takes her to a psychiatrist and over several weeks the psychiatrist documents the incredible detail coming through the young girl’s dreams and tells the mother she is certain they are based on real events.  The police are called in, the case is re-opened, and through the details of the dreams, which included facial description, clothing he was wearing, details of the location, the car he drove, even words that were spoken, through those details, the police were able to arrest and convict the murderer.  Stories like this tell us that life is communicating with life on deep fundamental levels immeasurable through science but undeniable through experience.  In other words, the intelligent life force of the donor continues on after the brain and body of the donor die.  How is this information being transmitted and received?

In his book The Cosmic Serpent, Jeremy Narby tells of his time with the Ashaninka tribe in the Peruvian Amazon.  As a PhD candidate he did field work with these native people hoping to  help them secure the deed to their land so it would not be taken by western “eco-terrorists”.  He observed that the Ashaninka understood in great detail the plants and animals of the jungle.  They were familiar with over 80,000 species in detail greater than western botanists and zoologists.  He asked them how they knew what they knew.  They certainly were not studying at university and there were no books around.  Their answer was always the same, “the plants talk to us” or “the forest tells us”.  Eventually Narby learned that through a plant medicine called Iawasca, shamans could quiet their logical brain and allow the deeper life-force-communication to come through and reveal incredible detail about each plant and animal in the ecosystem.  The shamans would then share the information with the people.  This tradition had always been part of tribal life.  Narby was invited to try the Iawasca experience himself.  Of his first experience he says, “Brilliant shiny multi-colored snakes appeared.. I was surrounded by two giant boa constrictor that seemed 50 ft. long…the snake start talking without words, they explain that I am just a human being, I feel my mind crack and in the fissures I see the bottomless arrogance of my presuppositions.  I sense the truth of being just a tiny human living with the supposition that I understand everything.  And here I found myself in a powerful reality that I do not understand at all.  I feel like crying in the enormity of these revelations.  Then it dawns on me that this self-pity is part of my arrogance…Waking life seemed to be no more than a distant one-dimensional reality… I was staggered by these people’s familiarity with a reality that turned me upside down and of which I had been totally ignorant… I follow the music of the shaman and take flight soaring above the earth… I see a green leaf with its veins, then a human hand and its veins and back and forth between leaf and hand relentlessly…”  That night, Dr. Narby discovered a completely new way of gaining wisdom.  Rather than reading a book and looking outside, he surrendered his self-identity and allowed the web of life to “speak” to him.  Over the years that followed Dr. Narby built a bridge between modern science and shamanic wisdom.  In his book The Intelligence of Nature he describes the experience of molecular biologists who were at an impasse in their research, using Iawasca to find answers that were unavailable in the laboratory.

Today scientists are acknowledging the Quantum field.  Indigenous peoples have known about and interacted directly with this web of life for thousands of years.  getting beyond our body and time is not easy but it worth it because it brings us into a realm of infinite possibility.  From this realm we can create new realities in our lives and understand ourselves beyond the limits of the physical.