fasciaThe human body has a vast network of connective tissue that binds each part into an integrated matrix.  Your left pinky toe is in connection to your right lung through this web of connection.  They may not be directly interacting, but changes in one will ripple through the web and affect the other.  This same web of connection exists in the energy field of the cosmos connecting all things.  Perhaps without realizing it, you’ve experienced this connection many times.  When we “feel” a person who is miles away and later learn that something big shifted for them the moment we felt them, this connection moves through the field of energetic connection.  When we think of something and someone in the room begins speaking of that very thing, this too is evidence of our energetic inter-connectivity.  These events are common and yet we often do not realize their significance. They are evidence of our energetic connection with each other, our ancestors, descendants, and all life.

web-connectThis field of energetic connectivity is what Hawaiian wisdom refers to as the great aka field. We might see it as the “cosmic nervous system” that connects all things.  This living energetic net is in a constant state of change as new connections are formed and old ones and released. Sometimes new connections produce knots, which in turn, become new individuals who will form their own living matrix of connections as they grow.  All things everywhere are a part of the aka field.  As each embodied soul (human) travels through time, continually manifesting and liberating their successive selves, the field changes in response to what we do and what we become here on the physical plane of existence.  And because each Amakua (soul) is part of the greater whole of the human spirit, the entire web grows brighter or dimmer in response to our personal evolution.  Just like the pinky toe and the lung, it follows that the aka field of which everything, everywhere and everywhen is a part, in turn, is affected by what we do and who we become.

indraThis understanding of our indivisibility is found in many paths of wisdom.  It is archetypal meaning it is an understanding that transcends cultures.  Different cultures may share the wisdom in unique ways, but the underlying message is universal.  Native Americans told of Spider Grandmother weaving the web of connection.  In Hindu Mythology, the Net of Indra is cast into the cosmos creating a cohesive connectivity.  In this net, at each intersection of the threads is a many-faceted jewel and in each facets of each jewel the whole net is reflected.  Therefore when a single jewel decides to glow a little brighter, the entire net glows a little brighter.  Like the aka field, this profound imagery teaches us the very real energetic connection we all share with the cosmos and how healing and enhancing our own life is a gift to the greater good.