Years ago I confronted a person who had been giving me stink-eye for years.  I had been avoiding him because of the negative energy I felt from him.  In a flurry of courage, I asked “Why don’t you like me?”  He unfolded a story of deep misunderstanding and mistaken identity that I was able to correct and now we are comfortable with each other and come together happily.  Our relationship with money can be like this.  We have a mistaken negative story about it and it is avoiding us because of our negative energy.  In general we understand that some people have a magnetism that is super evident, right?  They walk into a room open, smiling and ready to engage.  Without knowing who they are we feel pulled toward them, they see us, appreciate us, and we open up to them.  Then there are other people who carry a diminished energy, they seem troubled, grumpy and unapproachable.  If we don’t already know them, we tend to avoid people like this, right?  Sometimes even if we do know them we avoid them.  Attraction and repulsion are unseen energies that are constantly at work within and around us affecting all aspects of our lives.

So what does that have to do with abundance? money?  Well, it is not only other humans who respond to magnetism ( YES-energy) and repulsion (NO-energy).  Money does too.  In fact, quantum physics is based on the FACT that everything in the universe is organizing itself around the quality of energy flow.   Even the field of epi-genetics has shown that sustained levels of elevated energy can diminish the disease markers in DNA.  This is real science people!  And it has everything to do with our relationship to money.  Imagine Money as an attractive person you’d like to become good friends with or even date.  Would you open with complaining about Money?  How would that go?  We have to learn to be open, friendly, respectful, kind, complimentary, and appreciative of Money if we want it to snuggle up closer to us!  If you are rolling your eyes at this point, just bounce off the page now.  You’re not ready for anything new.

If you’re still reading, then take this challenge.  For 30 days, start each day in a quiet private place and for five minutes write or speak out loud your gratitude for the money and abundance you currently have.  Write a love letter to Money!  It may feel strange at first but continue until you can actually feel the elevated energy of appreciation. This practice has to feel good in order to be effective.  Feeling good is the evidence that the quality of your energy is changing.  If it doesn’t feel good, you’re still in resistance and money is not going want to date you.  Remember energy has to shift first.  And YOU and no one but YOU can shift your mood and attitude (aka your energy).

In your conversations and inner dialogue around Money, use the playful imagery of Money as a cool person you want to become close with.  Are you always complaining that Money spends more time with other people?  How have you felt when people have said to you, “You spend more time with Fred than me.  Why don’t you spend more time with me?  I’m jealous!”  Does that attitude make you want to spend more time or less time with that person?  The point is this:  It is easy to approach money with simple math and logic but that will never change things.  It only drives current condition further into the ground.  It is shifting energy and building momentum around a new energy that changes things.  Make yourself irresistible to Money!

When I was in high school my parents were fighting and my mom was drinking and I became a chubby shy kid who was trying to hide from life.  Then I read an article about health and fitness and saw my first Jan Fonda workout video.  I was inspired! I dove into an exercise regime and disciplined my eating habits and in 6 months lost 30 pounds, grew muscles.  I felt empowered and able to manage my life despite the trouble at home.  I walked with my head high and began dreaming about my own future.  I had shifted my energy.  And that is when people started inviting me to parties and asking me out on dates.  I didn’t go very often but it was clear that I had shifted my energy from repulsion to attraction.  We can do this with any aspect of our lives including Money.

So, go out and find way to flirt with Money.  Seduce Money.  Appreciate and Praise Money where it shows up in your life now and I guarantee it will come around more often and become a strong flowing feature in your life.