Kristy Rose Haber

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[title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Kristy Rose Haber[/title]

kristy-rose2Kristy Haber RYT 500, In Motion Fitness, Chico, CA and the Yoga Center of Chico.

Kristy has been certified to teach since November 2014. Her foundation training came from Spira Yoga and Wellness in Oroville , CA and her advanced studies have come from Wisdom Flow Yoga in Maui. She also has a Bachelor’s in Social Work (BSW) and has been certified as a Yoga of 12 Step Recovery (Y12SR) facilitator.

kristy-roseKristy has had the privilege to substitute teach for Jennifer Lynn at the Wisdom Flow studio and has assisted in Wisdom Flow Teacher training sessions. She has experience teaching restorative chair, gentle, and vinyasa classes. Due to her social work background, she also has experience offering classes to populations that may have limited access to yoga such as, homeless youth.

She is passionate about utilizing the entire yoga discipline of breathwork, asana, spiritual principles, and meditation in organizations that promote social justice. She has studied with Seane Corn and Off the Mat Into the World and is a certified Yoga in Action facilitator. She is also a dancer and has studied and performed West African and Afro-Brazilian dance styles. Her passion for yoga and dance led her to study briefly under Shiva Rea. Kristy will continue to pursue higher education to bridge yoga with service, action, and wellness support. She has been told her voice and energy are very calming, she offers clear, detailed instruction, and her love of yoga comes through in her classes.

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Yoga can double your oxygen intake.

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