Z – On-the-Go Vegan Whole Foods and Juice Cleanse

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Register Today! Intro Special for New Students – Two Weeks Unlimited for $20


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[title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]On-the-Go Cleanses[/title]

[title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]5 Days Vegan Whole Foods and Juice Cleanse – Home Delivery[/title]

Cleanse-JuiceWould you like a personal chef who prepares healthy delicious meals for you everyday?  Would you like to savor every bite of your food and know that it is cleansing your body, reducing fat, boosting immunity and setting you up for an energized day and deep sleep at night?  Then this cleanse is perfect for you. Only 10 spaces available.  In these cleanses we offer delightful tastes and textures from gluten-free plant-based foods so the cleansing happens through pleasure rather than deprivation.

Our natural state is well-being, goodness, goofiness, and kindness.  Often we just need a bit of clearing to let that natural health return to full shine.  That’s the idea behind these gentle delicious cleanses.  This cleanse is very nourishing and soothing to the constitution.   The food is delicious and appropriately proportioned. The nutrition is so complete, cravings will ease away naturally.  Most people experience weight loss in the 5-10 pound range.  Everyone experiences a calm focused mind and deep sleep.  Nutrition affects the chemistry of our bodies and is a powerful tool for mental and physical healing. And it doesn’t get any easier than receiving your fresh-made meals on your door step every morning!

Cleanse-FruitWe offer our vegan gluten-free and juice cleanses 6 times each year. Early November, December and January then March, June and September.  Our next cleanse runs June 3rd-7th, 2016.  We take only ten clients per cleanse so we can focus on high-quality meals and prompt delivery. Your meals are delivered to you the night before each of 5 days. That’s right, door step delivery is included! You leave your empties in the drop spot the next day and we collect as we drop off. Sign up early to ensure your spot (and to receive our Early Bird Special or $40 off!)

Our next 3 cleanses are scheduled for: September 23-27, 2016 November 11-15, 2016 December 9-13, 2016

Email us  to register. Cleanse fees are $375. Pay 2 weeks before the start date and receive the early bird discounted price of $335. Feel free to email us with your questions.

Cleanse-SaladDid you know that your body holds onto fat in order to protect the organs from toxins? It’s true. The oily base of adipose tissue (fat) holds toxins separate from the watery flow of blood that feeds vital organs. When we detox our bodies – even just a little bit – we decrease the need to store fat, and we lose it rapidly. But beyond weight loss, a vegetable-based, gluten-free diet can ease joint pain, increase energy, and deepen sleep. Our cleanse is sugar-free, gluten-free, and packed with micro-nutrients that accelerate cleansing.   And it is the easiest cleanse ever because you don’t go hungry, and you have a personal chef! All you need to do is show up to pick up your box of fresh-made meal packs and enjoy healthy vegan meals for 5 days.

Cleance-CerealOften we think of cleansing as depriving the body and dealing with hunger pangs and cravings. This cleanse is different. Our whole foods and juice cleanse is very nourishing and soothing to the constitution. There will be plenty to eat, and the nutrition will be so complete, cravings will ease away naturally. And without “GLUE-ten” in your system, you can “unstick the stuck” and let go of extra weight, toxins, and pathogens. Daily fresh pressed juice feeds cells and boosts immunity, while goji berry-green tea drink alkalizes blood and energizes your body.

juice-with-strawPick up your basket of food for the day each morning and commit to eating only what’s in the basket plus loads of water. Everyone loves the food and feels there was more than enough to sate their appetite everyday. Our cleanses are offered four times each year. Attendance is limited to 10 participants so pre-registration is a good idea. The cost is $375 but you pay $50 less if you register two weeks in advance. Our next Cleanse is October 13-17, 2014. Only 10 spots available. Email us with questions. Sign up now to reserve your space.

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