
Sound Ceremony

An Inner Journey to harness the power of intentional growth

Sunday March 16th, 2024

6:00 - 7:30 pm

with Sarah Gray


A community gathering of sound bath and celebration featuring crystal bowls,

koshi chimes, water drum and sidereal earth gong; in partnership with

intuition, imagination, and inner vision.

Growth Happens - Are you deliberately directing it?

The gift of free will is part of our birth right. We came to deliberately create a unique and ever-changing path of growth for ourselves. Each individual's path of evolution, weaves itself into the evolution of he collective. We grow as individuals and as a unified human family.

We create through the clarity of our intent and focus. Source energy responds to our focus and delivers reflections of it. This co-creative process is on-going whether or not we are aware of it and whether or not we harness it. The Spring season invites us to eagerly harness this co-creative gift and lean just a little more toward consistent clarity of what would bring beauty and betterment to our lives. Often this requires "seeing" and "feeling" beyond our current conditions. Let this sound ceremony be a time for dreaming beyond what is. Go deep inside where your heart and mind can conspire to build a fantasy that becomes the seed for your evolved self and therefore the evolution of all.

A note from your ceremony leader...

Of all the dreams I've pursued this in this life, the one theme in common is an appetite for mystery. Since childhood there has been a nagging feeling that something bigger is just beyond the obviousness of reality. I believe there are endless ways to dance in these liminal spaces, and that one of the most accessible to all people is the non-doingness of sound bath. One of my favorite parts of these gatherings is the potential for collective healing as community, through wordless connection and no expectations. 

All that is required is a willingness to relax and explore.

- Sarah Gray


More About Sound Ceremonies

Sound healing goes back thousands of years. Greek physicians used musical instruments to heal patients; tapping into the power of vibration to calm discord in the body and return it to deep coherence. Most indigenous cultures use singing, chanting, and drums as part of the sound healing process as well as a gateway to connection with the spirit world. Westerners are just catching up as studies show clearly the healing effects of intentional sound vibration, finding that it can lower blood pressure and assist the work of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps our body calm down and recover from stress. All of this sets us up for new growth! Please wear something comfortable and bring your yoga mat. If you do not have a mat, we have extras at the studio.

Wisdom Flow Yoga Studio

95 Makawao, Ave. Suite 202

Makawao, HI 96768


More about Wisdom Flow Yoga

Wisdom Flow Yoga was founded in 2007 by Jennifer Lynn. With an engineering background, Jennifer appreciated the inner engineering outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The Wisdom Flow style blends precise physical and mental alignment with free and joyful flow of spirit through the asanas. Structure must align with the divine laws of nature in order to be strong and sustainable, yet too much dogma can pinch off the organic flow of joyful growth. Wisdom Flow Yoga embodies a balance of precise alignments and core-centered movement with a playful dynamic flow that keeps the pathways clean, clear and strong, and the song of the heart coming through. Our classes and trainings offer a set of elegant alignment principles based on the sacred geometry of the human body. We learn to balance these principles in all poses. We learn to ride the flow of breath as the vehicle of awareness to keep us revealing and sharing deeper layers of our true nature. Wisdom Flow Yoga embraces all expressions of love that rise from inclusion, compassion and unity.