Gently Reprogram Body and Mind for Sustainable Healing, Freedom and Strength.

Hanna Somatic Education classes utilize the exploration of movements performed in a specific way to improve muscular control, gain freedom of movement, increase flexibility, improve posture and core stability.   Through neuromuscular retraining, muscles that have learned to become habitually contracted in response to stressful life conditions or injury can be restored to their natural state of voluntary control.
It is a process through which painful, learned adaptive responses can become unlearned, and then reversed. It allows us to remember what we inherently already know; how to be in our bodies with a greater sense of ease and lightness. Through a series of powerful, yet gentle, movemeLisa-Somatics-Singlents you can experience the following benefits:

Greater ease of movement
More energy and vitality
Freedom from pain and stiffness
Improved balance and posture
Increased comfort and flexibility
Greater awareness of your body


Lisa-SomaticsDuring the weekly classes you will learn how to maintain and enhance your own health by learning  movements which include freeing the muscles of the back, waist, abdomen, hips, legs, torso, shoulders and neck.  Core stability and freeing the muscles in the center of the body are emphasized.  These lessons, when performed regularly are designed to teach you how to free yourself from pain, stiffness and constriction and to move with greater freedom and  fluidity.  Somatic movements are gentle and are designed to integrate the body’s neuromuscular system so that muscles that have been overworking to the point of exhaustion are harmonized with muscles that have been underutilized or inactive.   Students are often amazed at how such gentle movements can have such a profound effect on their levels of pain and stiffness.

Lisa-CaryThe movements are performed on the floor and are appropriate for all levels and ages and conditions.

Join the Somatic Community Wednesdays at 3:30PM at Wisdom Flow Studio.  You will be welcomed.

Wear loose comfortable clothing.  We have extra mats and props.  Bring a friend.

For more information email Lisa Cary.  Or visit